Tuesday, April 18, 2017
As part of an initiative to expand library resources and provide additional sources of research material to students and faculty, GCU is adding subscriptions through EBSCOhost, to the following new databases:
These new databases will add to GCU’s already-existing subscription to the Ebsco e-Books and ATLA RELIGION DATABASE, the definitive index of religious and theological literature (check the GCU Library website at <library.gcuniv.edu> for access to this database). Now all of GCU’s Schools and degree programs will have access to many more sources of data for research and learning. Students and faculty will be able to draw on these rich sources of information to improve their education and their teaching.
These new databases will be accessible through GCU’s Library website or via computer terminals in the library itself.
Email: drpaul@gcuniv.edu Room:
Email: humbleofman@gmail.com Room:
Email: revdrcho@gmail.com Room:
Email: joysong@gcuniv.edu Room:
Email: stauff@gcuniv.edu Room:
Email: emlee@gcuniv.edu Room:
Email: NewTestamentProfessor@yahoo.com Room:
Email: agallie@gcuniv.edu Room:
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Email: hdyoo@gcuniv.edu Room:
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Email: theelitepath@hotmail.com Room:
Email: kwerba@gmail.com Room:
Email: korea@gatech.edu Room:
Email: yister17@gmail.com Room:
Email: pastorchlee@gmail.com Room:
Email: lwm0408@gmail.com Room:
Email: gloriaparti71@hotmail.com Room:
Email: ssskang@hotmail.com Room:
Email: joseph@ccfhilliard.org Room:
Email: bong0002@gmail.com Room:
Email: ligiconfire@hotmail.com Room:
Email: kkwak@gcuniv.edu Room:
Email: jkhwang@gcuniv.edu Room:
Email: ydcfkim@gcuniv.edu Room:
Email: ymkim@gcuniv.edu Room:
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Email: byongwon@gcuniv.edu Room:
Email: inchoi@hotmail.com Room:
Email: gabsamchoi@hotmail.com Room:
Email: keitany@gcuniv.edu Room:
Email: joseph@gcuniv.edu Room:
Email: KHLee@gcuniv.edu Room:
Email: condkim1803@gmail.com Room:
Email: egemy@hanmail.net Room:
Email: gregory@gcuniv.edu Room:
Email: sungjang@gcuniv.edu Room:
Email: yeongsukim@gcuniv.edu Room:
Email: kclim@gcuniv.edu Room:
Email: 1212do@gmail.com Room:
Email: zmcdonald@gcuniv.edu Room:
Email: kbrooks@gcuniv.edu Room:
Email: grandmasteryangpoksun@gmail.com Room:
Email: students.email82@gmail.com Room:
Email: sarahwmackey@gmail.com Room:
Email: teodoromalta@gmail.com Room:
Email: msn@gcuniv.edu Room:
Email: briancjang7@gmail.com Room:
Email: coffee@gcuniv.edu, sungilc@gmail.com Room:
Email: kl@gcuniv.edu Room:
Email: hayanmiin@gmail.com Room:
Email: dredkrhee@gcuniv.edu Room:
Email: bstone76@mac.com Room: