GCU California Site Opening Ceremony 남가주분교 개교 기념행사
Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies Approved by ATS 철학박사 프로그램 승인
GCU Prayer Day 특별기도의 날
GCU VIsion & Mission
DMIN Intensive Seminar 가을학기 목회학 박사 집중 세미나
Fall 2018 GCU Faculty Workshop
25th Commencement & Inauguration of the 3rd Chair of the BOT
Comprehensive Distance Education Program (Online) Approved by ATS
Faculty Promotion Opening
GCU is adding subscriptions through EBSCOhost
Procedure for Registration
GCU School of Divinity is granted full accreditation by ATS
Online Program Information
Convocation Service & Special Lecture for 2016 Fall Semester
School of Divinity (SOD) Statement of Educational Effectiveness
Results of Course Evaluations and Students Surveys 2015-2016
TRACS Reaffirmation Site Visit
Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM) Site Visit
The Associating of Theological Schools (ATS) Commission on Accrediting Site Visit
MBA Program at Georgia Christian University
Registration for Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies (Korean)
Fall Regisration Period
Dr. Kyung-il Ghymn Named Distinguished Professor
Dr. Kyung-il Ghymn Experience and Qualification
GCU Institutional Scholarship Policies changed
TOEFL Preparation Courses at GCU
GCU 부이사장님 정인수 목사님 소천
How To Log In Online Learning System
Please Check your Student ID Number& Password!!
ESOL Spring II Session Begins
Beginning of 2016 Spring Semester
2015 Fall Semester Special Bible Class (가을 학기 개강 특별 사경회)
D.MIN Intensive Courses for Galilee College students in Bahamas
Fall Semester Registration
School of Acupunture and Oriental Medicine in this summer
GCU Signed a MOU with Basom School of Theology
Spring 2015 Scholarship Recipients
Spring Outdoor Activities
March 2015 D. Min. Intensive
Free Seminar on Internet and Its Impact on Marketing
Spring 2015 Semester Begins
The 22nd Anniversary of University Foundation Celebration