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How To Log In Online Learning System

Thursday, January 14, 2016

To log in to our online system just follow these simple steps:

Go to www.gcuniv.edu and on the top of the page click on Online Learning, OR go directly to the system page at http://georgia.eeaa.co.kr/login.php

The login page will look like this:

1) If you are a student click on the Student button; if you are an Instructor click on the Instructor button

2) The ID is your Student ID Number

3) The password is your date of birth, in this format: YYYYMMDD, e.g.: If your date of birth is 08/06/1988 your password is 19880806

If you have any problems with your login, please contact onlinesupport@gcuniv.edu or call 770-220-7915

To access the system click here